Pete Boilard .... The Website
Performing Artist Guide

Venues * Uncle Pete's Music * Performances

Growing up as a non-drinker, non-smoker, introvert I had little use for the club scene as it was. I always loved music, especially live and went to my share of concerts but the vast majority of local music was in venues that just weren't my kind of place. Things changed over time, the designated driver became cool, smoking in venues became very uncool and I was more interested in the performance than hormonal urges. Along the way there became a place for the performance space that catered to the listener and smaller acts. As live performances became the major revenue stream of performers they came out to these smaller places, especially those that made the sounds that baby boomers grew up to.

Another trend we observed was the revitalization and creation of performance spaces. Communities were restoring abandoned architectural gems and new places were opening as well. The abundance of venues and easy information on the Internet led to a rise in our concert attendance. I was around the winter of 2011 we set the informal goal of visiting one new venue per month. With that seed planted I began watching websites for acts that fit our calendar. We continued to see more acts in more places. I began to appreciate the abundance of regional talent including many acts that "I had spent much of a lifetime missing". Without trying to be maudlin it became obvious that for many of the acts of interest it was now or never. With that realization a new hobby or obsession was born.

This page is intended to simply share links to these performers, regional and beyond. If you're looking to enjoy some live music start browsing and keep a calendar handy. Links intentionally open in a new window. I know this is bad form but while trolling for shows I want this screen to stay put. Next I will be adding some notes farther down the page and then I'll make it snazzy. For now enjoy in its naked form, the way the Internet used to be.



Created May 31, 2015 **** Updated October 31, 2021